So I wanted to add in a page for
worldbuilding notes and other things that might be relevant here, as well
as any other explanatory notes for anyone who might need them.
Firstly, the title of the grimoire comes
from Liber AL vel Legis, Aleister Crowley’s Book of the Law. I'm not into
ceremonial magick or any of those traditions, but the title came to me and
stuck, so I just ran with it.
Also, for anyone not familiar with what a
grimoire is, it's basically just a book of magic spells and rituals,
instructions, information, and other notes for whatever magical tradition
it's about. So this is what the Vex magic grimoire is, and what I'm aiming
to do with it. It's writings on Vex magic, Vex lore and history, and also
spells and rituals and whatever else I come up with.